
Conversion To Reform Judaism

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I was wondering how long does conversion to Reform Judaism(w/o Hafaat Dam Brit) takes. I have studied on my own for about a year and with a conservative rabbi for about a year as well. I was wondering what is the duration of a conversion to Reform Judaism? How do i approach a Reform Rabbi in my area? Do i call,go to the synagogue or what? I have read about Orthodox Judaism for about a month and didn't agree with it and it wouldn't fit in my lifestyle.




  1. You can convert to Reform pretty quickly however Judaism is not for you my friend, if you can't give up your lifestyle you cannot become a Jew.

    You have to understand that while some Jews are Reform, they do not follow Jewish law and they have no ability to convert you despite the fact that they claim they do.

    If you want to be a Jew, you need to behave like a Jew just like if you want to be a soldier you need to behave like a soldier whether you like boot camp or not, putting on a uniform or calling yourself a soldier does not make you one.

    EDIT - Lupines is 100% right, if you don't wish to change your lifestyle which is understandable you can still get close to Judaism by following to Nohadic laws.

  2. I am sorry to say that there is no such thing as conversion to Reform.  You either convert to Judaism, or you remain non-Jewish.

    Being a non-Jew is not such a terrible thing.  All you have to obey are the seven Noahide commandments.

    To be a Jew, you have to obey up to 613 commandments.

    Those are the alternatives, and the choice is yours.


  3. Yeah! Talk to your Rabbi.  Ask him how he feels about letting your religion interfere with your social schedule.  That's  what jobs are for.

  4. You won't get into heaven using that method, forget it...

  5. It will take forever because you won't be considered an actual convert but a member of the Reform. You will have wasted your original time because then you will have to do another conversion (Orthodox) later. Jewish people communicate and eventually the news will come out that you did a reform conversion and you'll hit a brick wall. You won't be having an observant conversion, therefore any future marriage will be in jeopardy as not Jewish, the children you may have from that marriage their Jewishness will also be questioned, the list goes on. It is not worth your effort.  If you would actually like to become a Jew, the way to do it is to go thru Orthodox otherwise you basically need to understand the reform movement as a movement for Jews and conversions are for Orthodox.  

    You do realize that you don't have to be Jewish at all right?  You can study noahide, have access to synagogue and even partake some rituals, and don't have the 613 mitzvot binding to you, but just the noahide laws.  Many people already fit in Judaism as Noahides without changing any of their current beliefs or practices!  With this you get Orthodox blessing and it is most lenient on restrictions regarding your lifestyle.

    this is what I suggest to you to get closer to Judaism, get closer to G-d just study Noahide. It is a Divine Umbrella of protection for non-Jewish believers and with this your closeness to G-d can be just as close as a Jew.  Not as close as Moses mind you, but none of us are Moses :)

    As a potential reform convert, no sorry I can't help you with that. There is,and forever will be, impediments in your way.

  6. Talk to your local rabbi.

  7. It should be about a year or less. Your rabbi would need to make sure you really know everything and wont just send you off to a Beit din

  8. You certainly can convert by a reform Rabbi and be considered a Jew. To the ultra Orthodox, anyone doesn't follow as many of the biblical laws as possible is a heretic. To the Lubavitchers, any Jew who falls into that category is a potential convert. For every other Jew, you'd be one of the tribe.

  9. reform Judaism is bullshit your better off not converting if orthodox Judaism is not for you just keep the 7 noahide laws and your perfect

  10. You are kidding, right????

    If you are looking for a religion which suites your lifestyle, you are obviously not meant for Judaism.

    Reform Judaism is not Judaism at all!  It is a  diluted entity loosely based on Judaism which resembles a solcial club or a cultural entity more than it does a religion!

    Do yourself a favor and join the Noahide Nations.

  11. If Judaism does not fit into your lifestyle, you should consider joining the Noahides:

    You should know that reform Judaism is not true Judaism, as it does not follow the basic tenets of Judaism.  It is diluted and distorted.  

    If you find authentic (Orthodox) Judaism objectionable, why bother converting?

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