
Convert car to hybrid?

by  |  earlier

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i have a toyota sienna 2000. is it possible to convert it to a hybrid?

how much would it cost for such an upgrade?

thanx :)




  1. The easiest way to turn a non-hybrid vehicle into a hybrid is to trade it in on a hybrid.

    I know it sounds flippant, but it would be easier for a camel to get through the eye of a needle to try to convert a regular vehicle. The cost of the parts alone would be outrageous.

    Check out this sight.  If you are willing to read through it all, you might gain an understanding of why your only option is to trade your care for a hybrid vehicle.

  2. most expensive and hardcore convertion price is beyond me of how much it will caust you. but the simplist and cheapest can be under $100$$..

    the chepest thing is to buy a hydrogen cell generator. buying these little guys dont turn your car into a complete hybrid but they will do more double your gas milage but also keep your engine at a warm to the touch tempurature. ive heard for some vehicles that they can get 100 mpg and above with these cells (ive only heard). these cells have not made it out into the market but are only selled by public people in amature buisnesses. i suggest getting these hydrogen generatures. but first do reasearch about them. if your going for complete hybridness its best to buy a brand new one(cheaper). hydrogen cell (even cheaper)

  3. No it will cost too much, you probably can't afford that

  4. Anything is possible.

    But the cost would be very expensive as there are no "conversion" kits and you would have to custom make everything.

    Good luck...

  5. cheaper to buy a used hybrid
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