
Converting fear into aggression &rage is that normal or will it get out of control.Everytime I feel fear im ?

by  |  earlier

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aggressive and mean?




  1. It's normal in that fear can be converted into aggression in the very primitive "flight or fight" instinct we have as animals....fear leads to aggression to "get them" before they get you...however, it is healthier and more safe for you and others to deal with your fear in a better way..physical violence can only lead to bad places for you and others.....

  2. Yea its not healthier, you will continue to do that when you grow up unless you find a better way of controlling it (like facing it or getting over it), and people will probably think your a d**k.

  3. Fight or flight - yep .

    Can it get out of control? Sounds like it already has. Get to the root of the problem - get some counseling.

  4. basic human instinct is fight or flight when they are confronted with a fear of death or something.  

  5. It's not unusual, it's part of the "fight or flight" syndrome you go into when you feel fear. Obviously, you would prefer to fight, if it is causing you problems then maybe a anger management course would be appropriate for you. Good luck to you.  

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