
Convict fry?

by  |  earlier

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i just noticed that i have convict babies! they are so so so tiny, and mommy and daddy are great parents. we have them in a 30 gal with a few other convicts (which i want to get raid of, and plan on it) my question do we feed them? i have crushed up some food pretty fine for them, but how do i know they are getting enough? i would do live food, but the other fish are pretty aggressive, and the lil ones would have no chance. it looks like they are sucking on the large platform rock they were born under.




  1. The parents will chew up food and spit it into the school of fry. I have had so many convects that I would just feed a little extra food for the parents and would not loose many if any. Of course you can take a hard boiled egg yolk and squeeze it through a handkerchief (a little bit goes a long way). And don't forget to do your water changes (more often because there is more waste in the tank.

  2. they day old fry will feed off their yoke sacs for a while then the crushed food is fine, even if it lands on the ground, my conv. specialy the male will rub his body on the gravel lifting small food particles for the babys to feed. they will do fine on their own, you can always buy baby food for fish at petsmart its supper fine powder. you can place the babys in a breeders net if you want and feed them the powder but you will miss out on the parental instinct of the parents. Just pull out the other fish or they will be killed by the parents for sure.

  3. If you soak the crushed flakes in tank water, you can use an eye dropper or turkey baster to squirt it into the mass of fry.  When they no longer show any interest in the dropper or baster, they're full.
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