
Convicted of Felony?

by Guest60250  |  earlier

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my fiancee has been imprisoned for 2years for drug charge, he's out and been going to driver improvement class for the the drunk driving charge. Can he still get a passport and come to the Philippines? and Can he still file for a spousal visa or fiancee visa?.. Will he ever find a decent job in the future?.. What are the disadvantages of having a criminal record?..




  1. I don't know about the visa, however I do know about he felony!

    I was convicted of a felony drug charge, actually 3 of them 15 years ago.  Today I have a wonderful job. Absolutely he can work, it will just take time to find the right person God has in place for his employment.  I started out in my career at the bottom of the ranking, and 11 years later, I am more blessed than I can even begin to tell you.

    I don't know if you or he is a Christian, however I am.  I thoroughly believe in the Holy Bible.  Please read in the KJV

    PSALM 40: 2 & 3 "AND" COLOSSIANS 2 13 & 14.

    Those 2 scriptures there reference being a Christian, and what Gos does in order to "take away" what has happened from our past.

    I am a walking miracle, a child of the most high God. and I am telling you, God is a loving, forgiving, caring God.

    Things may not happen as quickly as you want them to BUT God's timing is always "right-on-time"!!


  2. s  a felony I don't think he can get a visa. As far as a job nothing that pays well, unless he works in construction. My daughter has a felony record and she has to work under the table
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