
Convince me to buy a PS3, Wii, or 360.?

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dont make fun of me but ive been do busy lately i haven't had time for gaming upgrades. I have 500$ to play with and I wanna get a gaming system. All i have right now is a PS2, but now I have time to play so convince me to get one. im a teenager so i have no kids you wii fans.




  1. Im not going to convince you to buy any of those. I hate video games. And I as well as you am a teenager. Find a book series, read it then find anouther, youll still have money left and hours of enjoyment. But if your totally against the book Idea go for the wii its awesomer.  

  2. well the ps3 is what i have so im gonna try to get you to buy that. so here goes, the ps3 has slightly better graphics doesnt lag as offten as xbox. it has bluray, online is free, and i think that the way the menu is set up is better than 360. also 360 alot of things that people argue are better you have to pay for. like the hd and online. anyway the wii i think just sucks so im not gonna talk about that, i hope this help.

  3. get the xbox 360!! out of the three it has the best game selection and even  though it costs like 50 or 60 bucks a year to play online, it still has the best online thingy...

    anyway the ps3 has free online but it only has a few ps3 exclusive games and these are pretty much the only ones u would play.

    as for the wii. h**l NO! its so lame. pretty much the only good games are legend  of zelda and smash bros. and thats only if ur into those kind of games.

  4. Well first off since you're a teen, don't get a Wii. There really isn't going to be any good games for teens for a long time and there's barely any good ones out right now because Nintendo is treating it like **** with casual family friendly games.

    Now for the 360/PS3 it is a bit hard to pick which one is better.

    Have friends with 360s? Go with one. Xbox Live is great for playing online with your friends. Also there's a lot of good games like Halo 3, Gears of War, Fable 2, many made for your age. Also you can buy more games since the 360 is a bit cheaper( it did drop it's price recently to $300 ).

    PS3 is mainly great because of Blu-Ray, some really good exclusives, has a lot of 360 games, and free online service that is almost as good as XB Live. If you have a HDTV, you should probably go with this for Blu-Ray. Also if you get the 80 GB version that's price dropping to $400 this year, you can play some of you PS2 games.

    So overall, it doesn't really matter which you get. You might have a little more fun on the 360. But if you like watching movies and like playing online for free, go with the PS3.


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