
Convince my parents?

by  |  earlier

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Well, my mom won't let me get nike airs becuase she thinks the inside wall is too thick, and so it the tongue of the shoe, if it helps, im 13.




  1. You've got a few choices.

    1. Do some chores and help out.

    2. Get them yourself.

    3. Don't get them.

  2. ask your pregnant sister....

  3. be like mom ur lookin hot then go on a date with her then after the like the ehhh fourth date get her a present and say u should get me a present it would be polite then say u know what i want honeybuns i want nike airs then change the subject

    from, the friendly gerbil.....i love the world!!

  4. tell her they support your ankles better

  5. Get adidas there more comfortable

  6. buy them yourself..

  7. she is making up excuses cause she cant afford them

  8. i don't know have u asked ur dad or it might not work cause I'm a daddy's girl and i always get what i want but either buy them ur self or persuade  ur mom or dad  
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