
Convince parents for a pet.?

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My mother is fine with getting three dwarf hamsters. But when i asked my father, he went a bit nuts.

Shouting at me, then my mother (as if its her fault) and then stormed out of the house for 5 hours. o__o And he was in a good mood minutes before.

To be honest, i would be fully responsible for the hamsters, i bought everything with my own money, i will clean the cage every week, heck, the cage will be in my room as well so he'd never even notice they were there. I'm smart, i do well at school so there is no reason against it.

If he were to come up with one reason i couldnt counter as to why i cant get them, i wouldnt. But everytime i bring the subject up he just gets seriously angry (and its kinda scary too).

Any ideas? :s




  1. The way your dad is over reacting to just being asked about you getting a pet makes it seem like he has some real issues.  You seem very responsible so maybe something happened that you don't know about.  Have there ever been any pets in your household?  Does your dad even like animals?  I'd talk with your mom and see if she has a clue as to why you can't talk about a pet without your dad getting upset.  

  2. why 3 hamsters?

    are these your first pets?

    maybe you should try to compromise. see what he thinks about getting one hamster and work your way up from there.

    do heaps of research, and show him that you are fully prepared with all the information you need to look after these animals, because they are not toys and getting a pet should not be taken lightly.

    i hope you can convince you dad, because pets can bring much joy to their owner's lives :)

    good luck!  

  3. Sounds like your in a bit of a predicament, I don't think there is an easy answer to that. :-(

    All I can suggest is that you ask your father to give you an opportunity to prove that you can be a responsible carer for these pets and maybe suggest that If after 3 or 4 weeks He is not satisfied with your progress that you will give them away, no questions asked.

    Like Isaid, not an easy one. Goodluck :-)

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