
Convince parents to let me kickbox?

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Hi, I am interested in starting kickboxing. I asked my dad and he said he would think about it. What are some good reasons/ arguments I can use against him to let him allow me to do it. I have many personal reasons for doing it. My largest is cross-training for crew (rowing). I am looking for something to keep me in even better shape and strenghten my legs and such. My dad is a huge supporter of me doing crew so I am figuring if I can connect kickboxing with that, it will help. My other reasons for kickboxing obviously involve self defense but mostly just having another sport under my belt for me to enjoy. I could really use some help with convincing arguments so that I can do it. Thanks




  1. You gave four reasons that you can present to your dad in letting you kickbox:

    1. Cross-training for crew (rowing).

    2. Get in better shape and strengthen your legs plus it does wonders to the upper body as well.

    3. Learn self-defense in a safe environment and not the streets.

    4. Another sport to play - to keep you off the streets.

    If you are in high school you need to convince him that it will not interfere with schoolwork or any of your household chores. Plus let him know that you are not taking kickboxing so you can go out and beat up people and/or bully folks.

  2. tell them you would have head gear,mouth peace in at all times and most of practice you will have shoe like pads.tell them to go watch you so they can see there is nothing to be scared of.

  3. Depends on what his reluctance is.  If he is afraid of your getting hurt, you could do some research and show him what percentage of amateur kickboxers get hurt and how safe it is.  If he is afraid your grades will suffer, you can make an agreement to maintain certain grades as a condition of doing kickboxing.  So ask him what he is thinking and what are his concerns, then address his concerns in a way that will reassure him.  And, if you do take up kickboxing, enjoy it!

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