
Convincing my Bff to not have a baby?

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My best friend wants to get pregnant on purpose to keep her cheating bf/fiancee (my cousin)even though she's been in denial for years in my opinion because there were just one too many shady things though i am sure he lied away and because he was a known cheat before dating her with few exceptions (maybe i cant think of any?)?She is terrified that after all her work to get him and practically giving up on college for him as well as some of her friends..that him cheating is a slap in the face and see's the other girl as invading her terf(also the other girl is a college grad).Her Bf while on meds after a car accident admitted to sleeping with his jane and getting her pregnant again...long story read details if nessacary.Anyhow how do i get her to see reason?As of now her bf in recovery has no clue as to what he said and she's playing dumb with him but making his life h**l.As a last attempt do i get the and bff to talk?




  1. Get every episode of the Baby Borrowers and make her watch them over and over again.

  2. Your friend is obviously blind to reason here.  Having a baby won't make him stay with her, in fact all it's going to do is probably drive him to dump her fully and go on with his life not tied down.  The "connection" she would have with him would just be through the child not for one to him.   She should talk to her boyfriend about what he admitted to her rather then trying to trick him into staying with her.  She's playing a dangerous game where the only loser is going to be her.

  3. Tell your cousin your BFF is going to trick him into having a baby.  That'll surely ruin her plans.

  4. If she gets pregnant with this guy, I have no doubt whatsoever that she'll be left holding the baby.  He'll be long gone.  She'll then spend her life struggling to raise a child alone and battling to get child support out of him.  What a waste of a life.

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