
Convincing my parents let me get Mini Lop Rabbits?

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My birthday is coming up and I want to get two Mini Lop rabbits. They are cute and I'm doing alot of research. I've asked my parents several times and they refuse.

We had rabbits twice before and they were bad experiances as the first time we got a male and female accidentally and mum thought they were just crazy when we tried to pick them up and they scratched us. We eventually gave them away.

The second time, theres no other way to put this, but we lost interest in them so they weren't tame. We gave them away too.

But now its four years later and I am a responsible pet lover. I keep fish, tadpoles & Axolotls. I have a strong love for animals.

My parents are all 'We've had rodents before' but I think I am mature enough. Please tell me how to convince my parents and don't give me the whole 'Pets are a big responsiblilty' because I know that and I love them.






  1. AWH I WANT one too! rabbits i think are pretty dope. lawlz

    but try and show them that you can be responsible! and make a deal with them

  2. Tell them that, you'll take complete care of them, and that they won't have anything to do with them, say you promise you won't loose interest in them and if you do you will never get another pet again or something like that.

    Say that if one or both or however many you get get territorial you will responsively dispose of them without parental help.

    other then that i can't help you.

    Sorry, but i'm just being truthful.

    xo Samina:)

  3. you just have to show responsibility. get the bunny when it is very young. hold it and love it like you are its mother. my daughter had one and didnt take care of it. So i ended up taking care of it and you know what? It was the best pet i ever had. It was even house broken. it picked it spot where to pooph,and always went there. They only live 4-6 years and rootbeer lived for 7years. So happy birthday and  i hope your parents allow you to get one.  Remember responsibility and alot of love.  snow cone.......

  4. It sounds like you could use to do more research into rabbit care before even attempting to own rabbits again. Hopefully you're more responsible now:

  5. well since it happened before where interest was lost then they lost their trust in you as a responsible pet owner fish and tadpoles arent much of a responsibility since they dont require any interaction, not too sure of Axolotls and what they need. maybe you could pet-sit for someone to show your parents how serious you are or go to the library and take home books to read so your parents can see how much you want them.

  6. Matt,

        I'm sure you are going to think my answer sucks, but you will see the truth in it.

        If you got rabbits, and one was sick, where would the cash come from to pay for it?  Your parents.   If they damage anything, who pays for it?  Your parents.  If the family leaves town, who solves th problem of taking care of the animals?  Probably your parents.  

        You share a house with your folks.  Everyone is partially responsible for making it a nice and livable environment.  If the presense of the rabbits or smell or whatever is something your mom doesn't want around - then it's her right, actually all of her right since most children don't pay rent to tell you 'no rabbits'.  When you are on your own, you can get a thousand rabbits if you want.  Right now -  you aren't.  You may think they are being selfish, and that this is the only thing that will make you happy for your birthday.  You need to realize that birthdays are not a reason to grant any wish you may have.   You also need to realize that we don't always get what we want.  Your parents probably say no to themselves regularly.  All adults do.  It's part of growing up, and it's necessary for surviving in this world.  

      It shows maturity that you freely admit that you lost interest in them the first time, and your question is well worded and literate.  I'm guessing you are now a teenager or close to it.   Therefore you are very capable of understanding the situation now.    This has nothing to do with you.  I'd guess that your parents want you to be happy.  However - their desire not to have rabbits in the house is apparently very strong.  They know that your lack of rabbits will not destroy your life and that you can find  happiness anyway,  and they will probably arrange a nice birthday in other ways.   Therefore - they are saying no on this, and you need to respect it.   Don't forget - this isn't a request for your birthday only.  You are asking them to make a lifestyle change.  It will affect how your time is spent, it will affect the smell in part of the house, and it will take up space.   Finally - they are ultimately responsible for any negative outcome - scratches, diseases,  illness and vet trips, and so on.  There's simply no way that you can assure them that you will handle all these things unless you already have an income, a car to get to the vet, and a place outside of the house to put the rabbits.  

    Also -  does your family have a dog?  They are much better companions, much more intelligent, more socially acceptable, more trainable, and just flat out better pets in every way than rabbits.  I don't mean to be insensitive here, but I am a dog owner,  I've been a young person, and I had strict parents.  I've been in your shoes in ways you can't imagine, and I am sympathetic.  I am also an adult now, and responsible for my dogs, and I can tell you this - as much as I love them, there are times when I regret the decision simply because of the magnitude of responsibility for being a good pet owner.  

    -  Kevin

  7. If you don't even know rabbits aren't rodents, maybe you shouldn't be getting them.

    Plus, the fact you lost interest due to injury once and then lost interest again and the rabbits became 'feral' due to this shows that you may lose interest /again/ if these rabbits scratch you or you find something else to do.

    Fish, tadpoles and Axolotls aren't EXACTLY the same as rabbits, too. They don't scratch, they won't suffer without daily interaction- you could even go away for a good week and they'd be fine.

    I can't blame your parents for saying no if you've had them before and lost interest. I'd say no because I wouldn't want the animals to end up suffering because you found something 'better to do'.

    If you do lose interest and your parents don't give them away, THEY will have to look after them. I'm guessing they'd have to foot the bills- hutch, run, rabbits, food, bedding and vet bills- already, and then they'd probably have to take care of it as well...

    I would refuse as a parent.


    I love pets but I still only have two gerbils because I want to be able to give full attention to them. If you couldn't then, why would you be able to now?! If you don't like what I'm saying, ignore it and listen to the people trying to help you- but I'm being realistic and giving a honest perspective of the situation.

  8. Well for starters, how about trying the following:

    #1 Cleaning your room and making sure that it STAYS clean and tidy.

    #2 Making sure that your homework is done and handed in on time.

    #3 Sweep the floors in the living room and kitchen without your parents asking you to.

    #4 Wash and/or dry the dishes.

    #5 Do not fight and argue with your sisters & brothers.

    #6 Eat what you are given and don't whine or make "yuck" faces when given it.

    #7 Don't talk rudly to adults

    #8 Always share with other kids.

    #9 Go to bed when you are told to.

    #10 Research the pet and breed you want to be 100% certain that it is the right one for you.

    # 11 Ask them about getting this new pet in a nice way and don't beg and whine about it.

    If 100% sure that if you give those a try, they will see that you are serious about wanting to add a this pet to your life and family. :)

  9. tell them for your bday you want 2 rabbits, but if you cant then save up do some work or house work for money. then you will be able to buy them the food and evrything needed.

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