
Convincing parents for a nose ring!?

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okay so im 15 and i have wanted a nose ring for a long time so bad! my parents wont let me and i need help convincing them to let me to this! thank you:]




  1. my sister has the same problem but she is not that smart.

    try and rumble some trouble like an argument with your parents that is not your fault.

    cause a lot of arguments.

    after a few days get the nose ring behind their backs and say its because you hate them.

    they will probably let you keep it if you show tell them you are sorry and say you will remove the nose ring... but you have to keep it there for three months or something. and look as if you are about to cry.

    after things settle say you love them and give them a hug.

  2. girl what do you think you are doing?

    you are 15, if you get a ring ring that is S****y.

    have you ever herd of this quote that says "first comes ring ring then comes baby".ewwww yous a hoe.

  3. ewwwwwwwwww you dont need one!

  4. it makes girls look really pretty but it is  hard to get a job with them pierced

  5. Stop trying to look cool and wait until you are 18.

  6. find pics of girls that make it look really cute. Tell them this is a crucial time to express yourself and in a few years you won't be able to have your nosed pierced so you should live it up now. when you take it out it will close so there wont be a hole.

  7. your crazy

  8. you could never convince them. what you could do is do it yourself though. i wouldn't but if its what you want  

  9. Sorry darlin', I just can't get behind this one.  But you at least deserve to know why:

    I'm a lot older than 15, and have been in the position of hiring young students.  I can tell you that even though they're popular among kids in your age group, they are a distraction to anyone who looks at you.  

    If I'm going to pay someone to work with my customers or sell my product, I want the customers focused on what they're buying, not the hardware you've decided to install in your body.  I'm not against piercings (although I am unfortunate to be unable to even have my ears pierced), but use some restraint and stick to something that won't become a liability later in life.

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