
Cooking by numbers?

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How does one do that? Has any South African tried it? Can it be a success in SA?




  1. the taste will be not good

  2. It doesn't work.. I tried to use it and nothing happened... what is the whole' Africa thing'  ... you a racist?

  3. Depends what you have in your fridge:

    A combination of Chocolate, Tuna and Vinegar doesn't sound very appetizing

    Things they don't have on the list


    Stuyvesant Blue

    Captain Morgan



    Who needs a recipe - that just spells a good time....

    timothypj - why dont you pull your finger out your AR$E and go play with your chickens!!!!

  4. Yes very cute ... this is my favourite so far:

    100% of 1 ingredients in Apple on its own.

    Only got an apple? Fridge barer than a new born grizzly? Try this recipe for success.

  5. timothyp eed in his own Corn Flakes by the looks of things!

    roflol  some days I just amaze myself with my own warped sense of humour!!!

    I think it is a pretty good idea especialy on days when you are rushed or just can't think of what to fix or just don't feel like taking off to the grocers for something. I bookmarked it for myself.

    Thanks cakes.  You find the neatest sites!  :o)

  6. I don't know what it has to do with South Africa, but as long as you have stuff in your cupboard I guess it might help with some dinner ideas without going to the grocery!

  7. Cakes, I love it. I gave it the simplest ingredients and it came out with some great recipes. I'm certainly going to make use of it. I don't get the cooking by numbers bit. Must be playing on the numbers next to the ingredients. Catchy name, actually. Great site. Thanks.

    ADD: Did you see the 'Skills by numbers' button? It actually shows you how to make certain things. Just went back to check it out again. Saw a whole lot of new stuff today that I didn't see last night.

  8. I think it can be super awesome. Thanks for sharing this cakes. This website is going to be new best friend. . . Its awesome. . .

  9. It works, just click on say Chicken and you will get recipes for chicken - not that you need lots of help

  10. Wow, just what I need most days. Thanks Will definitely keep this page.

  11. Great site! I don't think I need to go shopping tonight :-) It looks as if I can make dinner and dessert. Yum yum. Thanks.

  12. Great! If you have no imagination!

  13. Lol Cakes thanks for this link I think it's very handy.x*x
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