
Cooking smells while sleeping?

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Am I weird to be woken up by cooking smells? I share a small apartment. When my roomy decides to cook, it is usually while I'm trying to sleep. The stink of cooking somehow gets through my closed door and wakes me up.

Is anyone else affected by cooking odors?

I particularly dislike popcorn or fried food odors when trying to sleep.




  1. No, you're not weid at all. Many people are woken up by strong smells. I know people who can't stand the smell of toast because it gets them out of a deep sleep.

    The smell of anything fried disturbs me from sleep. Strong perfume does it too.

    Popcorn is disgusting at the best of times. Can't imagine how much more when you're trying to sleep.

    It's odd that smells can be disturbing and drive us out of sleep. There's a theory that once in our evolutionary past, when we didn't have stores to rely on, we needed to be woken by food smells, because this may have been our only opportunity to eat for some time. Since we don't need to take advantage of this thing, it lingers on only to annoy some of us. This doesn't help explain why perfume would be disturbing,  

  2. I must be your polar opposite, poor girl, tsk tsk. Thats how my grandmother used to wake me up as a kid, She'd be making breakfast and i'd be at the other end of the house and all of a sudden i'd get a whiff of homemade biscuits, country ham, bacon, coffee, fried potatoes, fried eggs or sausage and i knew i was in for a real good breakfast. Thank God for Grandmothers!!!!! She made me what i am today. Now that i live alone, the only smell i wake up to is coffee....i have a programmable coffeepot.


  3. I'm the same way, but I especially hate the smell of cooking meat while I'm trying to sleep.  Ick!

  4. No, you aren't weird.  What I can't stand is the smell of eggs cooking.  That really makes my stomach turn and wakes me up out of a sound sleep.

  5. LOL I thought I was the only one that happens to.I can't stand the smell of popcorn.I use to work graveyard shift and would always smell when someone would cook something.esp. meat or roast,bacon.It would somehow find it's way into my bedroom and wake me up.

  6. No one cooks while I'm sleeping.

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