
Cooking with your kids...?

by Guest33308  |  earlier

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How many people cook with their kids?

I bake daily with my 2 year old and if my older kids are not at school they also bake with us.

It is Sunday morning here and we already baked a banana cake (for morning tea).

I watched my 2 year old beating the eggs and mixing the icing and l*****g the spoon afterwards (lol) and felt so proud of her. She knows exactly what to do, probably because it is a daily thing.

So it left me wondering, how many other parents cook with their kids and how often and what type of things?




  1. I cook with my kids.  The oldest three are almost 7, 5, and 3.  They help mainly with fetching and putting away ingredients, as a lot of our baking ingredients are in a lower lazy susan cabinet.  They also help with cracking eggs, with stirring, and with l*****g bowls.  They love it.  They don't need a toy kitchen!  They get to do plenty with me!

  2. today (sunday too) shannon and I have made berry muffins ready for her snack in her lunch box this week. Both the kids love to bake. The earlier they do it the better

  3. we do every now and then but never enough something i think we sould do more of how cute is your little girl though  

  4. I cook with my kids, and they have become real little chiefs.

    My middle son Tobias (3 in 15 sleeps!!!) knows my mudcake recipe off by heart. Does that mean I cook it too much??

    My Dominik (nearly 5) helps cut up the vegies now, he has his own knife, and feels good about it.

    William (3 in 15 days) love telling me how much water goes into a pot to boil something. He also loves flipping pancakes for breakfast!! :)

    Even my younger 2 (Almost 6 months) love spending time in the kitchen. Ryan has been babbling a bit now, and he *tells* me what to do. They also get a small mixing bowl each and a spoon and they pretend to mix with me. Rather cute.

    All my kids have been bought up in the kitchen. It's where I spend 80% of my indoor time. So I think it's only natural they pick up what I have been doing.

    With my elder twins, they didn't speak till about 2yo. I had them in speech, and when I cooked I'd tell them what I was doing. They soon picked up what I was saying. I am proud of that. & it's way more exciting than telling them how to clean a toilet.

    They all even help clean up in their own ways. It isn't perfect, but they love trying to help me. And EVERYONE (including a 29yo Father & his 29yo best friend) run when we cook cakes, to l**k the beaters - hehe.

    We bought a Woman's Weekly Cookbook, about cooking with kids, it's fantastic. They have all helped cook something from it. It has a very broad range of foods.

    I don't think it's very common now days. My 13yo & 12yo nieces, come and stay with us frequently, and they never go into their kitchen. But when they are here, they love cooking with me.

    I've also coped a little disagreeing with their Mother, and their Aunts, but I don't care. I love baking, and so do my kids. It's our favourite family time.

  5. yes i baked cupcakes with pink icing and those little silver things on top that are eatable.


  6. Saturday is baking day in my house :)

    This morning me and my twins made brownies from scratch, yummm

    we usually always make something sweet, as we only allow the girls to have sweets on the weekends (or on special occasions)

    They both love baking, especially making a mess lol

  7. I cook with my daughter she's only 3 so she can only cook but so much she helps me by washing off veggies, pouring things into bowls and cups getting food from the fridge. I don't bake daily I wish I had the time. wow it's sunday morning where are you? it's only saturday night 9:30pm to be exact. my daughter helps me everyday with dinner  

  8. I cook with all of my children or did when they were younger. The 21 and 19 year olds don't live at home, so we don't cook together. Bella and Cami love to cook with me. Aidan likes it as well. The other 3 are much to young. We make everything from treats to healthy snacks to fun snacks to dinner or lunch. Once school starts on the 2nd, I'll have nobody to cook with during the day M-F. :(

  9. My mom began cooking with me when I was 2. I stirred stuff and half the time I got stuff spilled all over the counter (and myself and my mom) but we both had a great time doing it. I got to l**k the spoon and put things in the sink when I got a little older. Now I am 17 and I love cooking. I've been cooking lunches/dinners on my own since 11 and have been grilling solo since 13. I love to cook and bake. For dinner tonight I grilled ribeye steaks and made a lobster buerre blanc for the top, and with it made prosciutto-wrapped asparagus and a fresh baguette for the side. Dessert was zabaglione, my signature.

    I fully plan to cook with my kid(s) when they come along. Who knows, maybe in 15 years your 2 year old will be cooking like this for you!

  10. I cook with my 4 year old. she loves it and it makes her feel big lol she usually cooks with me every time i cook. we also have special tea party. we will either bake or go to the bakery and get special fancy treats. i also plan to cook with my other daughter when she is older. Not only does she help my cook she also helps with the laundry and other house hold chores. lol i hear this might always be the case so i'm going to enjoy her help while i can get it

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