
Cool, Easy to Care For, Cheap, Not Cuddly.........?

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Whats a pet thats:


easy to care for


not cuddly

Example: Madagascar Hissing Cockroach or Hermit Crab

Can you tell me about the pet? I dont want something to tame or train tricks. I already have a dog and parakeet for that. An odd pet thats just neat to watch!!!





  1. snake, hermit crab, cool fish, or turtle.

  2. you can get cool fish or

    One of the easiest-to-care-for reptile pets is the corn snake. Corn snakes are native to the southeastern United States, but are very commonly bred in captivity and come in a dazzling variety of colors and patterns. The adult length of a corn snake is around 4 to 5 feet, and their circumference is about that of an average garden hose. This is in contrast to some snakes, such as Burmese pythons and Colombian boa constrictors, which start out as small baby snakes but soon reach gigantic and totally inappropriate sizes. Corn snakes can be easily housed in a 15- to 20-gallon aquarium with a secure wire top, but they do require a heat source, such as a heat lamp or under-tank heating pad on one side of the cage. Corn snakes need to be fed an appropriately sized mouse once a week


    Leopard geckos are large (approximately 8 to 10 inches long as adults), ground-dwelling geckos that make excellent pets. A pair of adult leopard geckos can be comfortably housed in a 15-gallon aquarium with a screen top. As with other reptiles, leopard geckos require a heat source on one side of the cage in order to digest their food properly.  Leopard geckos cannot climb glass like other geckos, which makes them much less likely to escape. The primary diet of leopard geckos is crickets and mealworms, in addition to a calcium supplement.

  3. Rose Haired tarantula. (femal) They live for a long time..bout 20 years. You only feed them once a week, or every other week with crickets. If you want, but not too often, you can take them out and hold them. You only have to clean the tank every 6 months or so. And very very fascinating to watch.  

  4. this is the pet for you.

    totally neat.. way easy to care for.. definately cheap (free in the summer if you have a yard that is) and cheap in winter (lettuce only)

    not cuddling..

    we have lots and sell them at exotic pet auctions.

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