
Cool, fun stuff to do when bored...?

by  |  earlier

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Hey... uh... me and my friend are bored... we were wondering if there were any things (preferably not online) that we could do. We're mostly interested right now in funky experiments with color and stuff... cool stuff to do with nail polish (not painting nails)... stuff like that.

<3 Emma




  1. m********e

  2. ok, how about what I do, its very relaxing, &amp; stress free, how about prestamped, prequilted, cross stitch baby or lap quilts. Its very relaxing, &amp; stress free. And since theres alto of work to do on them, it will last you awhile to get done.

    As for the mom who said c**p about experimenting, who the heck do you think scinetists have come up with medicines that actually save lives?? Get off your soap box!

    She wasnt doign &quot;anything&quot; to hurt anybody!

  3. Wow, ok lmao. Umm, let me think. You could paint eachothers jeans with the nail polish? I love doing that :] Fabric paint is easier, but if you dont have it, nail polish should do just fine.

    Um, you could mix baking soda and vinegar, but, before you mix them, add ink or some liquid colour to the baking soda. And POOF. COLOURFUL EXPLOSION :] Haha.

    I donno, your probably thinking im a sped, haha oh well.

    Hope i could help Emma :]

  4. I think you and your friend need to learn some crafts or get into a camp where you learn new things. You want to experiment but that is dangerous and definitely not cool.

  5. Expand you colur horizons!  Experiment with tie-dying.  There are some nice kits about, plus some great tips and instructions on a number of sites.  I do small items in the microwave...

    You can buy kits in hobby and craft shops, and books full of instructions if you don&#039;t want to hunt the net a bit, but a great place to start is here:

    Hey, it says 4+, and that&#039;s right!  I&#039;ve done this with mixed age groups ranging from about five into their nineties!  They had a ball.

    For more specific dyeing instructions and techniques, look here:

  6. magic is a gud hobby

  7. Try Jewelry m aking it is so much fun and I think you being a young girl you will love it an dyou can mke things to match what you wear and things to five to your frieindsa too.  Also go to a crafts stores and look around and I asure something will grab your attention and you will find something that you might like to try.

    Goo d luck and have fun

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