
Cool 3-d art ideas?

by Guest57502  |  earlier

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i am a prek teacher and aam looking for some good ideas for 3d art, if you have any i would love it if you would share

thanks a bunch :)




  1. Well with preK we are still interested in offering open-ended art.  So setting foam shapes and those foam dots (that allow for a 3D effect---craft store) is an easy way to do that.  

    The following activity is something I did with my preschool students and it was definately a process product but they loved it.  It does not dry, of course :-)

    We covered cardboard with aluminum foil and they rubbed vaseline on the foil.  Then I provided the foam shapes.  They sometimes just moved them around but others stacked them up...they turned out really neat...though they couldn't stick around for long :-)  Messy but fun...and a great experience.  Many of them explored with putting two shapes together to make new shapes and of course measurement.  Yeah!

    We make a collage flower garden with items such as pom poms, flower shapes that "bounced" out at us, etc.  We used yarn, green glitter glue, and green foam strips for stems.  The kids really loved this and we used it as a visual for a color song.

    Good luck.

  2. Any form of sculpture is great 3-D art.

    A great use for the styrofoam peanuts is to use toothpicks to connect them together.

    Gluing together paper towel tubes or various recyclable containers. Glue on colored paper or paint the finished items.

    My dd brought home some great wood sculptures from her preschool's woodworking corner. They painted them, added glitter, etc.

    There's always clay or various forms of sculpting doughs as well.  This for example:

    Check out Mary Ann Kohl's many art books for some ideas.

    Maybe bring in some books about sculpture to share with the kids. You'd likely have to go with books for adults about sculpture and just show them the pictures and add your own words about them. That might inspire them to create their own!

  3. Cut different colored construction paper in 1/2" wide by 3 or 4" strips and glue the ends together to make circles and leaf shapes, then make pictures by gluing them standing up. Also make spirals of these stips for decorative 3d art that pops off the page! Wadded tissue paper can fill in the inside of the circles as well!

  4. i make cards for my little cousins and stuff that have a bird on the inside with a 3-d mouth.

    you take a piece of paper and fold it in half like u would make a card.

    then u cut a slit in it a little above the center of the fold.

    open it up and pull the two pieces that were separated by the cut in two make two triangles.

    these will open up and close like the bird talks when u open and close the card.

    then u color a bird's body around the 3-d mouth, and paste another card on the outside so u dont see the hole.

    there u have it!
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