
Cool Plugs/stretched piercing jewelry for 00g (9mm) earlobes!?

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so my high school marching band is doing "The Machines" this year and the pit (my section) and drum line are all getting grey jumpsuits like mechanics with little personilzed nametags that have our names. I thought it would be cool to have some plugs that looked like a gear or something like that since i wont be stretching again till around january. the closest thing ive seen to what i might want would be computer chip plugs but they were sold out.

can any of you find me a pair that would have any relation to machines/gears/technology for under $30??

and please dont give me a site and say "look here" ive looked on many and youll probably give me one i might have seen. id like a specific link to a specific pair of plugs/eyelets. and itd be cool if it was somewhere in the US, that would be convenient.

thanks everyone :D




  1. Well this probably doesn't help because it looks like their sold out of your size right now but who knows maybe they'll restock tomarrow or something

  2. ewww,  but i play the drumms too!! kewl


  3. Yuck

  4. I'd keep checking to see if the computer chip plugs come back in stock- if we're thinking of the same one, BAF usually restocks pretty regularly.

    Other than that, try looking for biomechanical style jewelry.  Though it may be harder to find in 00g, as they are usually CBRs.  You can get some 00g clear Kaos earskins and wear a smaller sized biomech CBR through them.

    Looks like they're out of the clear 00g though.

    BAF just recently got new Kaos jewelry- they have dark metallic earskins & eyelets... kinda goes with the metallic theme.

    Also, these have a really nice shiny metallic look:

    Also, have you tried looking up Gorilla Glass, Glasswear Studios, Anatometal, Industrial Strength, etc. on google?  You may be able to find some sites that have jewelry that BAF or doesn't have at the moment.

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