
Cool Red Wine too unsophisticated?

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Recently I was told I was unsophisticated. The reason was I said that I happen to like my Lambrusco (the cheap bottom of the barrel red wine)

cool. I actually store it in the refrigerator. I know red wines are traditionally served at room temperature, but I've always had my Lambrusco this way...

Am I wrong or unsophisticated because of this, or is it just one of those things where I'm the one drinking it so I get to have it my own way?




  1.  Lambrusco tasted best CHILLED! It's 'designed' to be serverd cold - just like any other sparkling wine. Except Lambrusco is not really sparkling it is 'something' in-between, called 'frizzante' (fizzy). So, who ever told you NOT to drink it cool - was dead on wrong! Take it from an expert! Cheers!

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