
Cool ideas for fish tank

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i have a small aquarium for 3 neon tetras,1 pleco,and 1 algae cleaner does anyone have any really cool ideas for it???

also does anyone have any ideas for a goldfish bowl that you sometimes see on t.v for 1 goldfish any cool ideas on that?

thanks for the ideas!!!=]




  1. First of all, most plecos get very large, what kind of pleco do you have and what kind of algae eater? These need large tanks.. Not 'small' aquariums... How many gallons is your aquarium? Also, goldfish bowls are being banned in more and more places for a reason. You cant put a filter in a bowl, and it is very cramped for a full size goldfish.

    You plan on having that in a bowl? The headline is a joke.. Goldfish need a minimum of ten gallons EACH, preferably twenty gallons for the first and ten gallons for each additional 'friend'.

  2. What's your definition of a "small" aquarium?  

    What type of pleco and what's the algae eater?  Most of those will need a larger 20+ gallon tank, depending n the variety of each.

    Goldfish don't belong in bowls, nor any tank smaller then 15-20 gallons for one.  They have the potential to grow large, anywhere from 8-12 inches on average(some will get larger then that)depending on the variety.  They also must have a filter on the tank.  


  3. Try the ocean look with treasure chests and fake plastic coral. Then use a topfin bubble wall and an underwater backround wallpaper to complete the look.

    Also I would say that never put goldfishes In a bowl. They'll get stressed then die. Use a 10+ tank.

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