
Cool places and ways me and my mom can bond?

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ever sense my mom got married and had my baby sister we have become tight. so my mom said to me that we should have girl's nights like twice a month were me and her just go out and do stuff.

do you have any ideas on what we can do.? haha.

no mall either. its like an hour away from my house.




  1. If you can do it during the day, try horse riding, if neithe rof you have done it, it will be a total laugh watching each other!

    Go to a cafe and blabber about anything that comes to mind!

    get movies out and just relax!!! Remember your mum has a new baby and wont always have alot of energy if she has been busy!

    Get manicures and pedicures together!

  2. Go to the pictures have dinner together my mothe r and I were like best friends and we did things like that together she is now dead and I miss her heaps I think it is important to have a good relationship with your parents.

  3. Find something that you both have a clear interest in. I'm having trouble spending time with my mum ever since she started shift work but we both like playing tennis so twice a week we go and play tennis and thats our time together.

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