
Cool things to do to your computer!!?

by Guest33123  |  earlier

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ok iv changed the desk top back ground to a video

iv changed all the sounds to my fav songs

iv renamed the drives

what else can i do?




  1. i havent done any of that stuff to my computer. but on e cool thing you can do is turn a win to a mac or vice versa. Such as adding a dock at  

  2. You could try a Linux distro like Ubuntu or Fedora and install compiz, you could then turn your desktop into a cube and achieve other very cool effects.

  3. idk.

  4. Hey man, i changed my windows theme to full alienware, i have a custom alienware Windows media player too.  You can download tons of different windows themes.

  5. maybe give riward for other people some money and there are feel that usefull or their life n_n money poople around the worlds are poor

  6. This may be irrevant but if your useing xp if you go on 'run'  type in  towel   it brings up an ascii version of star wars a new hope in command's an xp easter egg.

  7. Um this

    or maybe try linux that already does that...idk

  8. if you have an Apple you make it so that every time you put your mouse over a corner it does something awesome.

    Just go to System preferences and select Expose and Spaces and right there it should have each corner with a pulldown menu.

  9. play lord of th rings

    play counter strike

    play ogame

    play generals

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