
Cool tricks for beginners?

by  |  earlier

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I'm going boarding with some firends in 2 weeks and I was wondering what were some cool tricks, maneuvers, (that aren't too hard) that would impress my friends?

please give some explanation as to how to do the trick or maneuver

Just to clarify, I have gone snowboarding before




  1. Pop little 180s off of little bumps.  Just commit to the rotation, and a 180 is no problem.  A 180 is all in your head.  If you commit and know you will do it, you will.  Riding off switch is the hardest part.  

    Or just do little jumps off bumps.  

    Find some rails and boxes you can ride up on (instead of hopping onto) and just 50-50 over it (ride straight across).  As long as you keep your knees bent, don't lean back, and look to where you want to go instead of right in front of you, these kinds of boxes and rails are easy.  

    Or like the other guy said, do tail and nose presses.  I wouldn't suggest doing them on boxes until you are comfortable doing them on the snow, as its trickier on a box.  But if you have done boxes before, and aren't afraid of getting some bruises, go for it.  

    Tail presses are easier than nose presses.  Reach for your tail, and then when you get there, you can either spin around on your tail, or hold it and ride down the mountain for a little while like that.  Its just goofing around, but it gets you to know your board a lot better.  And not many girls can do it :)

  2. maybe you should get better at snowboarding first.. You are going to mess up and your friends will not be impressed. It's hard to learn something without practice! Good luck!

  3. If you have your own board, that has some flex to it, you can try some tail/nose presses on a butterbox. All you do is shift all your weight onto the foot you press with. Also boardslides are pretty easy. Just take a little hop and spin (up to 90 degrees) onto the rail and hop back into your stance at the end. Do not try to impress your friends by taking on kickers you aren't ready for.

  4. Heres a site with some tricks and an animation of how to do them

    I found it quite helpful;)

  5. hi

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