
Cool ways to take pictures?

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i want to take some cool shots with my friends and im not sure what i should do..

any ideas?





  1. u can make it into one of those things where there 4 different pic. on one but it different colors. ;]

  2. i like taking pics at sharp angles

  3. There are a # of ideas depending on your friends..

    Body painting under black light and day glow paints.

    Night time under a bright moon and do time exposures.

    Night time near a busy hwy and every one freezes good, and let the cars streak by..

    Use a wide variety of colored lights in a dark room.

    Get these cheap laser pointers and again, in a dark room or outside paint with them on each other..

    If your camera(s) have good close up ability, use your bodies as "landscape" and take extreme close up's of any places you dare to go using strong side lighting..

    Double or multiple exposures. Play Ping Pong or Pool with "yourself".

    Do you have a artsi fartsi down town ol' hippy area..? Go there, again at night and with all the shop neon front lights and things get crazy there and take fun pics of each other..

    For "adult minded people" a photographic - Truth or Dare"..

    Cony Island or a Fair like place. Fun Houses. Rides, etc..!

    Water park. Theme park. Regular park with grills, tables and fun people having a cook out.

    Crazy weekend - camping.

    Time exposure with the flash, either at the start of the exposure or at the end. You cam make it look like some one just blasted OUT of the scene, or in.. depending when you make the flash go off.

    Have a old working slide or film strip projector and slides or film strips..? Project images on each other in a dark room and take pics ..


    Clamp on utility lights from Lowe's, Home Depot, ACE Hwd or Wal Mart and make a quickie 3 or 4 light - studio using 50, 75 and 100 watt bulbs of them florescent kind (they don't make heat).

    And more......

    Bob - Tucson


    Do make believe wedding and take photos .

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