
Coolest Summer in recent memory. Global Warming a myth?

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In the 70's and early 80's they were predicting a new ice age. In the late 90's and 00's they have been telling us that global warming is going to get out of control.

Considering how mild this Summer has been compared to others, what do you think? Is this just an off Summer and global warming will keep going strong, or will I have to drastically lower my trust of scientific predictions of this kind?




  1. In the 80's too now?    That's a new one to me.   From what I remember it was a couple guys making that statement in the early 70's and no one really gave it much credibility.

  2. how 'bout we look at illinois?

    this month is above normal.

    last month is a bit below.

  3. Actually, the year 2000 was pretty cold too. It happens, but the trend is up. Obviously, you have a memory problem!

  4. All I can say that here in Greece, we are also having a very cool summer.   Last year we had a severe heat wave and people were talking about the end of the world.  

    This is not scientific, but in previous years I would get up early because the sun would enter my room by seven o'clock and fill up the room with light.  This year I can sleep a lot longer, the sun does not seem as strong.

    I also have friends in Germany and they are also saying that this summer is one of the worst in memory.

    By the way the theory of man made ice age of the seventies did not take off because just as the theory was about to take off, the weather started to warm.

  5. yes i totally agree.  i found this great movie on this very subject.  a lot of what we are told is just pure propaganda!!

  6. It's a sham.....regular earth cycles.  We've only been studying climate for 200 years, if that.  Glaciers covered the earth for tens of thousands of years at a time, and will probably be back.  We may be at the or coming to the warm spike in between them and headed back again, who knows?

  7. It's not just the summer that's been very cool, it's the entire past 15 months in the area I live in.  Temperatures during that time have run about 1 - 3 degrees below normal average.  It's not global warming, nor is it weather.  It's a clear indication of a global cooling trend.

  8. The arctic sea ice is half a million square miles larger this summer then last.  Your answer is that the sun which has been hotter due to sun spot activity has now entered a cooler stage with reduced and absent sun spots.  These cycles are normal and predictable.  If another volcano like Mount Pinatubo of the Philippians erupts this would bring down the temperature a degree or two as well.  

    The crazy thing is the scene of glacier ice falling into the sea which gets shown to promote the myth is in fact caused by the growth of the glaciers from abundant snow and cold weather  growing them into the sea where they collapse in.  IF indeed the glacier was melting it would be melting away from the ocean and receding back into land.  Look at the glaciers on mountain tops do they melt down the mountain or recede up towards the top?    

  9. Cool weather is just weather to them, no matter how much of it, and warm weather is climate, no matter how little of it.

    There is no convincing the AGW proponents.   There is too much riding on the theory.    

  10. No.  The long term trend is still up.  One cool summer (or even a couple of cool years, like 1999-2000), proves absolutely nothing.

    There were only a few guys predicting cooling in the 70s.  Most scientists said we were in for global warming.  The guys predicting cooling had no data to back them up, just crazy theories.  Much like today's so-called "skeptics" they got WAY more attention in the media than they deserved.

    The swindle video is a joke.  Terrible science.  The British press tore it to pieces.


  11. yes a total myth mn has had a mild summer to.    

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