
Coould I be pregnant?

by  |  earlier

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I got my period on August 16th and it was normal. 2 days later I had dark brown mucus that lasted 2 days and another 2 days of light red spotting.




  1. If you have had s*x you "could" be pregnant!

  2. No, you're not pregnant.  However, do take precautionary measures if you're not prepared for motherhood.

  3. Doubtful, but theres only one way to find out and thats do a test.  

  4. It's hard to tell just from this information.  Early pregnancy symptoms include: abnormal or absent period, sore b*****s, cramps, nausea, frequent peeing, fatigue, mood swings.  If you are concerned, use a home pregnancy test with your first pee in the morning because your urine is more concentrated then.
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