
Cop lied on my ticket, what can i do?

by  |  earlier

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Ok, so my friend went to kfc and picked up a friend to take home. these guys are drug addicts and alcoholics, my friend is 19. He dropped them off in the area they lived in(which is a really nice neighborhood). These guys look like normal teens. So my friend then proceeds to go to a grocery store and searched his car incase they left anything. Then as he was about to leave the lot a cop pulled him over. he volunteered them promission to search his car and they found a bottle of mad dog(malt liquor) underneath the seat. and gave him a ticket for Open container, they told him they pulled him over for a "bmv" to add on to this on the ticket it states no search was offered and no search was conducted. they can't possibly be in the right here and if they are can we get off with the lie about the search?




  1. Did he or did he not give them permission to search. At first you say he volunteered to allow a search. Then further down, you say no search was offered (whatever that means), and none was conducted. If no search was done, there is a thing called "plain view" which means if any portion of the bottle, or any other illegal substance or contraband, can be seen in plain view, then they have the right to confiscate it. Then they have probable cause to search the entire vehicle (including the trunk) WITHOUT your permission. As far as the citation for open container is concerned; The driver is in control of his vehicle and is responsible for everything and everyone in it. If there's something illegal in it, he takes the heat. Especially if he is the only one in the car. There's no one else to blame. Nobody accused him of underage consumption, so there is no reason to give him a Breathalyzer test. My question is: why would he offer a ride to KNOWN drug addicts and alcoholics? Why would he search his own vehicle unless he suspected something illegal might be in there? Ever hear of guilt by association?

  2. Talk to the police station, and if need be, bring this to court. You shouldn't have to be penalized for something you didn't do, and the police definitely shouldn't be lying.

    Good luck! :]

  3. Cops are liers and usually get away with it.The only way to fight it is to plead innocent.The cops probably wont show in court if they think they will get caught in a lie.

  4. Hate to say this: but there seems to be too many questions about your friends story. Sounds to me as if he is bullshitting you. Pick better friends to emulate

    bmv means Bureau of Motor Vehicles

  5. if no search was offered, how are they going to justify finding the liquor?

  6. Cop lied on my ticket, what can i do is your question as i read it .

    Yet you say your friend was given the ticket.

    Is this by chance a dream.

    You seem to dream often.

    BMV=Bureau of Motor Vehicles.

    You were there maybe.

    add some more this is getting interesting.Lay a few more traps for yourself.

  7. If this is true, then those cops are dumb.  How would they find the bottle without searching?  Get a lawyer, you may be able to go somewhere with this

  8. Your "friend" should've asked the Officer why he pulled him over and asked the Officer to explain it if he did not understand.  I always love the story about how some friends were riding in the car (or borrowed it and left the contraband).  Seriously, when have you ever seen a drunk or a druggie leave their stash behind?  Never, that wouldn't make sense and would go against their nature.  

    Anyway, if the "friend" offered consent for the search then the search was valid.  I seriously doubt the Officer was hiding a 40 in his pocket and planted it under the backseat.

  9. This is, without a doubt, one of the most illiterate questions ever asked.  

  10. if its a genuine lie, then yes they can lie. if a judge hears how a cop did something wrong, they get angry at the actual cop. my mom ran a red light once because someone was coming up behind her going wicked fast. if she stopped, the back of her car would no longer exist. the cop said her car was green when its really black. the judge just looked at the guy and said dismissed lol.

    because this is a search, idk if they require that to be on the ticket, but the questions is why were they pulled over in the first place. what was the reason?

  11. I would report the cop. take him to court and let them know your side of the story

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