
Coping people's voices...?

by  |  earlier

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I have the problem where I copy the perons voice I am around. It is so weird! I even copy their laugh. I just cant help it, like if Im around someone with an accent I copy it, or if they have a loud laugh I copy it. Can anyone help me so I can try to stop doing this?!




  1. i can't help you stop it, but this is very common among people who are good at picking up foreign languages.

    You might want to put it to use.

  2. I do this too! It has caused me some embarrassment over the years i can tell you! Like when i was talking to an australian lady and found myself doing the accent. Her partner thought i was taking the mickey! It tends to happen with people who have a "musical ear" and pick up on accents and dialects very easily. It comes in handy when i am in plays or shows and they require me to be irish or scottish!

    If i find myself talking to someone with a strong accent i make myself conscious of my voice and concentrate hard on being me! It doesn't always work, but if you are aware of this you can have more control over it than you think.

    Good luck!

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