
Copycat attack - Jerusalem Bulldozer Attack on King David Street?

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12 people have been transported from the attack scene to Jerusalem Hospitals. It appears the victim with a crushed leg has lost the limb as a result and he/she is listed in serious condition. One other victim, apparently a female, has suffered a heart attack. WHY?




  1. The motive is plain hate....  The terrorist's cousin is in an Israeli Jail.

    For more info:,7340,...

  2. I rather get the impression the Palestinians dislike being the object of ethnic cleansing. It must seem very puzzling to a zionist.

    Nice answer,Bosco.

  3. its so tragic

    people are so ruthless and cruel.

  4. While on the other side.,7340,...

  5. People are at their boiling point...peace better come fast. God willing. Peace!

  6. Gee whiz,I wonder if it might be a response to forty-one years of bulldozing Palestinian homes in the West Bank.

    Some people can put two and two together and some people can't.

    I can.

    I never met a jew who wanted his home bulldozed because he isn't a member of the "right" ethnicity.

    You figure out the rest.

    I'm always amazed that zionists imagine they can trample all over people of other ethnic groups like a bunch of n**i Brownshirts and then they act flabbergasted and amazed when it turns out that these activities do not stand outside the most fundamental of all laws: to every action there is a reaction.

    Or to put it more bluntly,those chickens come home to roost.

    Enjoy. savor the flavor.

  7. Arabs hate jews

  8. Why you ask? Because Islam is a religion of peace. 90% of mass murders happen in the name of that peaceful and harmonious religion.

  9. If they used a bulldozer it is not a copycat attack,the other guy used a front end loader. People do things like that because they are upset about something. Things like that are terrible,but they happen everywhere and each time it happens because the person is upset. Overall the world is a twisted place no matter where you live or what nationality.

    added. chick above,do you realize just bumping a car won't push it over.

    added. Upon further research I find it was not a bulldozer,it was a backhoe. Maybe people need to learn what a bulldozer is.

  10. You know,I wonder  what "bulldozer" connotes to a Palestinian trapped in that inferno the jews have made of the Holy Land.

  11. it's terrible, but what, exactly, does this have to do with travel?

  12. This is Israel. Its like this for 60 years.

  13. It's Israel...what do you expect?  Israel is a DANGEROUS place.  For Palestinians and Jews.  It's like a war-zone.

  14. Now they wont be allowed to work in construction or anywhere they would have access to bulldozers and then they will complain they are being discriminated.

    Btw, the bulldozer thing is new but they have been killing people with intentional car "accidents" in Jerusalem for years.

    They drive behind a car at night put on very high lights and bump into it in order to push it over.

    This will never end if we continue to show mercy towards them.


    here to help - they do what they have to do to push it over you'd be surprised.

    Bosco - you guys are experts at playing stupid.

    You know we knock down your houses cuz you dig tunnels underneath them to transfer weapons that kill our people.

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