
Copyright laws for images on the web

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0 LIKES UnLike has a section "Wallpapers". My question is: Can I legally use any wallpaper there for my website's background, if I credit the artwork correctly?




  1. Proper "credit" means nothing without the artist's permission to use the images.  That is what copyright is all about.  It means that no one may use anyone else's artwork withou permission.

    Imaging this situation.  Someone, say it is you, creates a lovely piece of art.  Someone else sees it and decided to use the image to place on tee shirts.  That person gives you all the "proper credit" and he makes tons of money on YOUR artwork.  Would you be okay with that?

    By law, even if no money is made from another person's intellectual property, any form of publication, without license or permission is copyright infringement, and, therefore, illegal.

    Here is the official US government copyright office website for REAL information on copyright laws.

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