
Corbra venom used for performance for horses how to perform this stupid performance hancing?

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For fixing races




  1. Cobra venom is a nerve blocker and therefore any horse that is injected with it will not feel pain when running.  This would allow an unscrupulous trainer to run a horse that is not 100% fit.

    I hate to criticize my cousins across "the pond" but until you start handing out some tough punishments, your dodgy trainers will keep on breaking the rules.  I really don't understand why some states will ban the trainer from having runners, but will allow the assistant to keep sending runners out.  You need to have country-wide rules and fall into line with the rest of the world with regard to medication.  America is the only major racing country where you can still use medication like Lasix on a horse when it runs!

    If a trainer is caught runing a horse on anything illegal the whole stable should be banned from having runners for a minimum of 28 days.  Yes that may be unfair to other owners, but if the owners are going to lose money they are more likely to check that the trainer is doing things by the book.

    This is my opinion anyway.

    I await the results of Mr Biancone's hearing with interest.

  2. Cobra venom is a powerful nerve blocking agent.  By injecting the venom in an area where the horse is in pain it blocks the pain signals from traveling up the leg to the brain (which would cause the horse to limp, slow down, etc.).  

    The venom itself does not increase a healthy horse's performance, but will prevent a horse with an injury from running like a horse with an injury (at least until he breaks down).

  3. No ! No! No! they don't inject it into any horses. It comes in a form of a paint and it is primarily used on the souls of the feet. The logic behind this is to prevent stinging of tender feet on hard ground. The old timers would use white gas. (Colman lantern fluid is the only white gas that i know of that you can get any more). By painting it on the souls (One time only) before performance or racing it will keep them from feeling the sting. Over use will dry out a hoof.

  4. It is not allowed in the US to use cobra venom before a race but YES, IT IS INJECTED as a painkiller when used illegallly. There is a well known trainer named Biancone who is currently under investigation for this. Check here:

    I have never heard it being used on the soles of a horses foot but maybe some have done that.

  5. I totally agree with NewMarketSalsa! I have seen WAY too many horses that are lame on Monday running in a claimer on Thursday, and I mean serious lame not just aches or muscle pain. I know OF a few Trainers who use underhanded methods, unfortunately there are a lot more than the average race goer knows of. I shudder when I see a horse break down knowing d**n well it never should have been running in the first  place.

      I heard of snake venom being used in Harness horses years ago, it seems this is the latest re-incarnation of it's use. I too am waiting to see what happens to Patrick Biancone! I don't think they can detect it in a horses system yet... but the search and seizure that happened in Kentucky came in as a tip. And YES, it was an injectable form that was seized!


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