
Corn Snake "Virgin Birth", Advice!?

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Ok, so my corn snake has just laid eggs... She is still kinda laying them now. She use to be a breeder snake, but hasn't bred in probably over 3-5 years.. I don't know how long ago my friend got her before I obtained her. She has about 4 eggs, 3 of them are yellowish white and fairly leather like. They aren't wet, though, and when I hold a flashlight under them there is this blood like collection on the side (inside). There is one hard white one. It has a rough exterior, the shell is pretty firm, and it's about twice the size of the other ones. (and almost perfectly round I might add)

Do you think she is creating her own babies? Might some of these eggs be fertile? What should I do with the eggs?

Right now I have them in a make shift incubator. A tupaware with some wood shavings and some paper towels.. I misted them and put them in my bathroom, since it stays around 75-80 in there. Should I keep them there? Should I wait, or throw them out? Advice Please!




  1. If she hasn't bred this year, they're duds, that is of course unless the first person is right and she IS Holy Mary Mother of Snake Jesus. I've got a bullsnake and a black racer that throw large clutches of duds for me every year... no male = no sperm = no fertilization, snakes aren't one of the species that can do that. I'd toss them in the trash before they break and stink the place up.

  2. although im sure almost everyone will call me a liar. there have been a couple of documented cases where reptiles have asexually reproduced. try and hatch them. whats it hurt?

  3. eat them... NO JK DONT!!! EEP. No, just wait. if they dont hatch they dont hatch. if they do , sell them to a pet store

  4. you have baby snakes coming let them hatch

  5. Well yes as it seems she is creatign ehr own babies. Unless the people before you had another male snake. But you shouldn't throw them out, or kill them or anything. They deserve to live. And if you dont want the babies once they have hatched then you could give it to a pet shop, or sell them. But you should just let them hatch then see what happens from there. They are a gift from nature. Make sure that where you put the eggs have the rigth temperature. For more information you could look on Google.  

  6. They all look infertile to me. If you don't see blood vessels inside the egg when you shine the light, they are no good. Snakes can lay infertile eggs without the presence of a male, but it isn't real common like it is with lizards. But also, just so you know, snakes can retain sperm. I have heard of one documented case of some type of viper who had healthy babies despite not having been with a male in three years. That shows they can retain sperm for a while. So it doesn't hurt to try and incubate them anyway. If they go moldy, you know they're no good. Also, I incubate my corn snake eggs at 85 degrees.

  7. let them hatch it could be the second coming of snake jesus

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