
Corn snake attacked mother in law?!?

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My crazy corn snake lashed out and severly injured my mother in law, tearing a huge gash out of her arm .. she wants the animal destroyed.. what do i do?




  1. just take it outside and let it go if u live somewhere warm or give it to someone

  2. A corn snake doesn't even have teeth like fangs like a python or a boa. It only has grinding it can't even injured someone that bad. I've been bitten by corn snakes, boas, pythons, king snake...and the corn/king's bite isn't even half as bad as the pythons and boas. really have no life. I can't believe how people could believe you to the point of actually answering you to tell you what to do.

    I agree with FOOD EATER....seriously a corn snake couldn't you think of a much better or bigger snake to lie about?

  3.   thats up to you. do you want it? why did she get near it in the first place then get mad. I would tell her to stay away from it then, thats what reptiles do. Or you could just move it to another room tell her its gone, then tell her you got a new one latter

  4. Give me the snake... lets see if it does the same thing to my mother in law.

  5. That's not uncommon this is the second post in three days. The other guy had a chunk of his leg torn off and multiple bites. Maybe give it to friend quietly and pretend you don't know where it went.  

  6. Tell her that it is your snake and your friend.  Corn snake don't usually do that unless severly threatened.  Is she doing anything weird to it.  That could be why.  Make sure that nothing happens to it and that there aren't many people around when you him/her.  In the mean time tell your friends you have a beast corn snake who attacks people on your command.  

  7. I agree with FOOD EATER. A Corn Snake? Severly injured? She probably deserved it anyway. It wasnt the snakes fault.

  8. i would personally tell her it is a wild animal and if she does not like it to stay away.. the only reason it would attack is if it felt threatened she should not go near it if she scared it... explain to her that she is the monster to the snake it was defending its life in its own eyes

    i would take the snake if you wanted i have a 100 gal tank :) and i already have 2 corn snakes

  9. She is within her legal rights to demand the snake is put down, especially if she wasn't handling it without your permission.  I can't see a corn snake doing a huge amount of damage, but either way...

    She's considered the victim in the eyes of the law.  I would suggest talking to her and seeing if you can't compromise.  And keep in mind that at any point she could sue you and have the snake killed.  So...

  10. A corn snake...

  11. It is normally aggressive, or did she do something to scare it?  I think we'd need more details as to what happened.  I always thought corn snakes were fairly docile.

    Are you living in her house?  If so, you may want to find it another home.  If not, keep it locked up when she is over.  I'm sorry she got hurt and I hope she calms down enough not to pursue charges

  12. that doesn't sound like a corn snake but if it is just explain to her that she could have triggered something to make it do that

  13. set it free

  14. why would you have a snake anyways?!

    KILL IT.

  15. Before you destroy the animal, I would personally try to sell it, or donate it to a zoo, or something! It's not like the snake just decided to attack, it had to have been provoked.

    I have 5 corn snakes, and have only ben bitten a few times, and that was when I was dealing with their food when they were babies.

    Honestly, I have never heard of a corn snake severely injuring someone.

    Please try everything you can before destroying a beautiful animal =[

  16. i would call animal control because i think that if a dog lashes out and attacks and injured someone they get put to sleep.... best bet would call them and ask them the legal part of it.  There is a difference if she wants it destroyed or if she can actually make it happen by law.

    This way if it happens you will be prepared and educated on your choices.  :)  Hope everything works out.

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