
Corn snake illness?

by  |  earlier

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I was handling my corn snake and it was getting frisky; the next thing I knew, he was vomiting a clear, syrupy discharge from his nose or mouth (I couldn't tell). I've never seen this before. What's going on?




  1. It had a big drink of water just before you picked it up.. It needed a little more time for it to settle.

  2. The regurgitated food may result from handling a snake too soon after it is fed but in these cases food is undigested and relatively odorless. other causes of regurgitation include stress in easily excitable species, parasitism, intestinal obstruction and serious internal disease. If there is bubbleing from the nostrils it could be a respiratory disease. Which are common in snakes and usually caused by stress from poor or inadequate husbandry. Eather way you sould see a vet.

  3. he is right if he seams sick after that for some reasion then talk to your vet
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