i got my year old corn snake a little over a month ago and he is starting to display signs of shedding. his eyes look normal until he's at a certain angle which is when they get a little foggy look over them and the top of his head is a dingy gray color now. his scales give off a weird gray shine kind of like on a fish. i go to my dad's house on certain days, leaving him, but i want to be there when he sheds to make sure htere are no complications. the only problem is i have no idea when that will be becuase i have no idea what stage he's in because his eyes don't seem as blue as they should be for how ready his skin looks. Also, occasionally i catch him slowly rubbing his head up and down against the glass walls of his cage.
so my question is, about how long until he sheds? and when should i expect him to stop eating the pinkies, becuase i gave him one today and he ate it just fine. actually, he lunged at it, so he's more then fine.