
Corn snake shedding?

by  |  earlier

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i got my year old corn snake a little over a month ago and he is starting to display signs of shedding. his eyes look normal until he's at a certain angle which is when they get a little foggy look over them and the top of his head is a dingy gray color now. his scales give off a weird gray shine kind of like on a fish. i go to my dad's house on certain days, leaving him, but i want to be there when he sheds to make sure htere are no complications. the only problem is i have no idea when that will be becuase i have no idea what stage he's in because his eyes don't seem as blue as they should be for how ready his skin looks. Also, occasionally i catch him slowly rubbing his head up and down against the glass walls of his cage.

so my question is, about how long until he sheds? and when should i expect him to stop eating the pinkies, becuase i gave him one today and he ate it just fine. actually, he lunged at it, so he's more then fine.




  1. when he  stops eating and stays in his house a lot

  2. Okay.  This can be shedding, or can also be a health issue.  But since you say his eyes AND his body have that 'milky' appearance - I'm inclined to think it's shedding.

    If ever JUST his eyes cloud, and his skin is fine, that's an indication of a health issue.

    Most snakes will not eat during a shed, and can become quick to strike.  So, the lunging might in fact have been a blind strike, and he took the pinkie anyway.  When their eyes are clouded, the snake can't see well, if at all, and it will feel insecure.  It is best to leave them alone until they complete their shed.

    It is not unusual for a snake's eyes to cloud during an approaching shed, and then to clear up again, shortly before the shed.  The skin will get faily 'normal' looking as well.  The shedding process usually takes about two weeks, but it will vary some, snake to snake.

    He needs increased moisture during the pre- and shed period.  You should mist the tank with a spray bottle, or a cool steam steamer, and increase the humidity by 10 to 15%.

    Provide a water bowl for soaking and be sure to keep it clean.  Make sure there is a good commercial ceramic climbing limb or wooden hide in his habitat, for him to rub on, and catch the skin on, so he can wriggle out of it.

    Leave him alone while he sheds, and let nature take its course.

    I hope this has been helpful.

  3. I've had a couple that would eat during, before, or after a shed like nothing had happened. Without seeing him its hard to say, but definitely within the next few days. Just make sure you get him soaked, or occasionally misted with a good humidity level to help ease the process, and something rough to rub the skin off on. Bad sheds occur when they get too dry, and it can also delay them in shedding.

  4. About 2-5 days after you posted the question I think. Snakes shed perfectly well on their own unless it is too dry, so squirt yours with water. I would advise you have something rough in the tank for the snake to rub against.
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