
Corpsmen getting the "shaft" while deployed with Marines..WHY???

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Navy corpsmen who are attached with USMC units and deployed to combat zones if extended do not receive the same benefits that the Marines do..Why is that?





  1. because congress vote it that way

  2. After reading the article it sure sounds like they are getting he shaft - it's great to see the Maine Corps acknowledge it and sad to see the Navy try to dodge the issue.  I have never understood why the Marine Corps has had to rely on the Navy for medics.  The Marines should have their own medics/corpsman integrated into their units - that would be a good change for all concerned and eliminate the intraservice paperwork.

    EDIT:  I agree Tim - my little brother served 22 years in the Marine Corps - great organization (I'm in the Army).  I guess I am used to us (Army) having our own medics - seems easier to me.

  3. The Navy policy stinks! Some of those steel desk commanders at BUPERS in Millington, Tennessee and the Surgeon General's headquarters in D.C. need to remember that those young men are out in the open with that medical bag and stick out from the crowd.  

  4. You are correct in that NOT being right.

    Lucky Enough for the Corpsmen, its VERY rare that they have to stay longer than 7 months.  Their units have never been asked to extend on my watch.  The ones with Regiment and below that are on the ground or convoys every day max at about 8 to 9 months.  Others at larger locations may sometimes get close to a year, but still make it out under the magical 365 day.  

    The exceptions to that rule definitely should be given the "perceived" letter of the law as their Marine Corps counterparts.

    EDIT - Billy.  The Navy have ALWAYs been our Corpsman, and they REALLY do a great job of it.  I wouldnt want it ANY other way.  USMC specialize in war-fighting and the Navy give us a ride, provide us amphibious lift to short, pummel it with huge guns, and provide us some of the best Docs in the world!

  5. if u mean "extended" as in their contract is out, then its the marines getting shafted because the corpsman is getting **** loads of money...i'm in a Seabee unit and i haven't heard of this stuff happening...and the corpsmen getting shafted is criminal, why would they shaft the ppl who help save our lives and where did u hear this stuff from?

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