
Correct 5 step method for SEO???

by  |  earlier

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1) Find a niche or topic

2) Find keywords for the niche or topic

3) Research the keywords for daily searches and websites currently competing for those keyword/s.

4) Research the competition currently ranking for those keywords to check their SEO armor, site structure, links, etc.

5) Create the site around the keyword phrase and do all the SEO things that the competition is and isn't doing to out rank them in the search engines.

Sound about right???? Thanks for your help...please be as specific as possible if this isn't correct and as to why...thanks...




  1. Stripped to the bare bones, that's about it. However...

    ...there's market analysis (how many other sites occupy the same space and how are they doing?);

    A niche or topic that has some general interest, i.e. a site on sub-atomic particles will see fewer visitors than a retail site;

    Develop several lists of keywords and DON'T use the same keywords that the heavy hitters use. You won't show up on search engine results pages when you employ the same keywords as bigger competitiors. Use lesser-used, long-tail keywords to make your site distinct.

    Keyword research isn't as useful as keyword testing: single variant A/B tests are easy. Site metrics software make it easier to conduct multi-variant testing.

    Don't do what the successful competitors do. Be original. If you launch a free credit report site, you'll compete with thousands of similar sites. However, if you develop a house buyers' resource that includes credit report information, you've differentiated yourself from the stiffer competition.

    The "SEO" things of which you speak involve research, an understanding of search engine ranking factors (pros and cons), keyword selection and placement within the site and within the HTML/XML code, keyword density, keyword stuffing, header stuffing, etc., etc., etc.

    So, yes, in five steps you've got the skeleton of a website but there are hundreds (thousands) of details that seperate a successful website from another crash and burn.

    Hope this doesn't discourage you. I shouldn't. It ain't rocket science, that's a fact.

    Good luck with your e-biz,

    Paul Lalley

  2. Here is a very good resource that talks about SEO that you can compare:

    I hope that I have helped

  3. What you have here is great, however it is the very 'bare bones' and ultimately there is a lot more work to do after you have completed this. Have a look at this site for more info:

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