
Correct me if im wrong.....adolescent forum..?

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all of these adolescent kids that think they are posting in the right catagory because they are adolescents.....if you really look at the catagorys....there is pregnancy and parenting then in subcatagories under pregnancy and parenting for newborn, toddler, preschool then adolescent......its for parents of adolescents to post parenting questions about their adolescent not for a bunch of tweens to ask their "questions" if they really think its made for them then wouldnt that also mean that the toddler section is for toddlers to post their questions? So shouldnt y!a make a section for tweens to post their "questions" and does it bother anyone else that where us parents come to actually help people that we have to sort through all of these immature questions just to answer a genuine question?




  1. Yes it is annoying. Its just as annoying when people come on here saying "Am I Pregnant?" Than they list a few symptoms and say things like "my bf pulled out, but could i still be pregnant"...Good grief wait til your period is late and then take a test. Dont have s*x unless you know what can happen.

    And its frustrating to get on here looking for a question I might actually be able to give good advice on, just to find that its a "troll" question. UGH!! LOL

  2. Most of them use this as a chatting forum anyway, I'm sick of the "i'm bored who wants to chat?"  I can't wait till school starts again so they will be in school during the day.

  3. Yes, the Adolescent forum is intended for parents of adolescents.  

    I asked a question similar to yours a while back, and someone made a good point-atleast they are here amongst parents (for the most part) instead of out there where a bunch of stalkers could be setting them up.  And, as another answer indicates, atleast we can give them educated answers so that someone other than their peers-who are just as ignorant about the topics of pregnancy and parenting-are not the only ones they are getting advice from.

    It is extremely irritating, I agree.  It should quiet down some in a month or so when most of them return to school.  But yes, I wish there was a separate section for them to post their "trash" in.  I would never run one off for asking a legitimate question, though.

  4. They can't figure it out. They should stick to their own forums. It is getting so bad that over 50% of the Q and A's are from kids.

  5. Thank you!  You said it all.

  6. Well, questions from adolescents are still legitimate questions (sometimes), even if they are posting in the wrong category.  You could report those questions for being in the wrong category.  If it bothers you that much, you could suggest that Yahoo make 2 separate answers sites --one for adults and one for kids/teens/tweens.

    Personally though, I find that a rather frightening thought --have you read some of the pregnancy questions posted by tweens? now imagine other tweens trying to answer those questions instead of adults answering them!  I'd rather wade through pointless, miscategorized questions and try and get some poor kid correct info than have them go off thinking you can avoid pregnancy by drinking mountain dew or something.

  7. its true---but what can u do. obviously they havent figure it out themselves.

  8. I agree that they don't belong in this section on most of their questions. Some of them fit the category though. They do need their own place to go.

  9. You know, I totally agree with you. Even though I'm 14, I still kind of get really annoyed how teenagers go and tell adults to "shut up" when they're just really trying to help them figure out how to use Yahoo! Answers correctly. What that girl was was just really rude, and I don't blame you being really annoyed by it.

    But as for the whole sub-topic of Pregnancy, I kind of noticed that, too. Like how the main topic is Pregnancy and the subtopics are like... Adolescents, Toddlers, etc. And I figured it would be for the adults to ask questions about their kids.

    Then then again, the teenagers who DO post questions on there could misunderstand what the topics are or what the topics MEAN... I guess they just think it's a place for them because it says the word "Adolescent", and they probably just find it as an opportunity to ask questions and explore.

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