
Correct meaning of LOVE

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Correct meaning of LOVE




  1. Love is an emotional feelings of deep affection or a profound attraction to a certain person or object.

    The correct meaning of love is what is deeply felt in one's heart that gives meaning into a beautiful and genuine affection..

  2. What passes as love in most cases is actually lust. There is a big difference between the two. Lust is a greed for sense gratification that comes from the relationship, whereas love has no profit motive. Although there are examples of love in this world that come close to pure love, real love is not contaminated by thoughts and motives for one's own happiness. To be in that state of pure love requires complete detachment from the material body and mind and to have established an intimate relationship with the Supreme because it is only on the spiritual platform that real love is exhibited.  

  3. Love is a deed, not the feelings of emotion. It is unconditional and therefore cannot be asked for, or expected in return. As far as meaning goes, it is empathic.

  4. Well the question depends on who you are and there isn't really one answer. Each person is diffrent. And If you want an exact answer go to a dictionary.  

  5. giving all youve got but getting nothing in return and not caring and still giving all youve got!!!! dats love!!!!

  6. Sexual attraction informed by intellect.

  7. Love has many different meanings in English, from something that gives a little pleasure ("I loved that meal") to something one would die for (patriotism, pair bonding). It can describe an intense feeling of affection, an emotion or an emotional state. In ordinary use, it usually refers to interpersonal love. Probably due to its psychological relevance, love is one of the most common themes in music.

    Just as there are many types of lovers, there are many kinds of love. Love is inherent in all human cultures. It is precisely these cultural differences that make any universal definition of love difficult to establish.

    Expressions of love include the love for mind, the love of laws and organizations, love for a body, love for nature, love of food, love of money, love for learning, love of power, love of fame, love for the respect of others, etc. Different people place varying degrees of importance on the kinds of love they receive. Love is essentially an abstract concept, much easier to experience than to explain.

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