
Correct way to lift a kitten?

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I know people say by the scruff of the neck but my kitten (I.2 kg - 4 months) HATES this. It makes him freeze and he gets bitey sometimes too.

Is it okay, when I need to lift him, top pick him up with my hand under his tummy? He seems to quite like this and doesn't struggle - will this hurt him at all?




  1. Hi dippie,  The best way to pick up a kitten is with both hands.  One under the belly and the other under his back feet or back for support.  If you pick him up with one hand there will be too much pressure in one area and may hurt him.  God bless

  2. its usually the scruff of the neck but as the kitten doesnt seem to like it i would suggest the way you are doing, it sounds fine as long as it isnt in any discomfort, which from your description i think it isnt in any pain or anything.


  3. Picking them up by the neck isn't the correct way, my cats hate it too and i think it hurts them but if you pick himup with your hand under his belly and he dosn't struggle then he's fine if he struggles your hurting him.


  4. No, picking him up under his tummy won't hurt him at all, unless he was recently neutered, then wait a couple of days because he'll be sore.

  5. Yes you should pick him up by the stomach if he doesnt like to be picked up by his neck.  you could also put your hand above his tail/back area while your picking him up from his stomach too because that doesn't apply as much pressure on this stomach.  

  6. I pick up my cats like this: One hand under their front legs, and then my other hand sort of cupping their bottom or back legs. It doesn't hurt them at all and they seem to like it!

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