
Correct way to rinse after wisdom teeth???

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I was curious about hte correct way to rinse sockets with warm salt water after wisdom teeth removal




  1. I had my lower two wisdom teeth removed and I found the best way was to add about a tablespoon of salt to a glass of warm water and let it dissolve first. Then take about half a mouthful at a time and tilt your head around so the water moves around the sockets in your mouth without you having to use your mouth muscles. Repeat this several times until you have finished the glass. It is good to do this atleast 3 times a day (especially after eating).

    If you do it this way you won't risk getting dry socket and the healing process will be a lot faster. You might also want to get some Vaseline or lip balm as the salt will dry out your lips.

    Hope this helps!

  2. what you do is...

    put the water and salt water in your mouth.


    just move your head from side to side slowly,

    and up and down .

    after DO NOT SPIT..

    as this may cause dry socket.

    what you do is tilt your head forward and just let the water run out of your mouth.

  3. Well now, my reply won't sound very [professional but then I contend that to many professionals don't use enough down to earth explanations when talking to our patients....Look let me put it this way....get your 10 to 20 percent salt to water mix ready, "do not sip, but rather just sort of pour the mix in your mouth...hold your lips just tight enough to keep the mix in your mouth then slowly and with out a sucking motion let the mixture slosh around in your mouth for at least 30 seconds...Then, don't attempt to "spit" it out just lean over the sink and let it run out of your mouth....NOW, do not drink, eat or put any other fluid in your mouth for 30 minutes...give the salt a chance to work... Good luck and I wish you well.

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