
Correcting gum line recession?

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What are the reversal procedures for receding gum lines? I had a misplaced bracket when i had braces that had eroded the gum line around 1 bottom tooth. Now, 10 years later, it's not painful but is very hard to keep clean and the tooth is far more exposed than the rest. What can a dentist do to fix this and are there any non-surgical procedures, or is the only fix removing tissue from somewhere else?




  1. there are not any non-surgical procedures that i know of. as far as i know, the only way i know is through surgery and they take tissue from from usually the roof of your mouth and place it on your gums. the surgery is not very serious and although you will be sore the first day or two the healing time is extremly quick.

  2. You can try brushing more often and sometimes that will help. If it's been ten years, you need gum drafting done.

    They cut a small piece of gum off the roof of your mouth and (basically) sew it where you need it.

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