
Correcting the timing on my outboard motor?

by  |  earlier

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hello guys, it me again, my mercury thunderbolt 85hp, is running smoothly , thanx for all your help,

but i discoverd a small crack just above the first carb which i have fixed, but inorder to get the i had to take off the distributer, now my timing is off and i cant get the motor started,

how do i get the timing back on track

thanx again





  1. You will absolutely need a book for this one. First of all merc didn't set their timing on number 1. They used #2 or #3.? second they had a piston breaking tool which screwed into the spark plug hole with a moustrap device on it so you could hear the piston come up to the right timing. My advise is to take it to an old Merc tech and have some one like texas do the job. They will adjust it up and make it run on todays gas, and not punch a hole in the piston.

  2. First thing to do is get yourself a service manual to get it set properly.

    I'm sure that your only problem is you have not lined up your flywheel

    and distributor before you put on the timing belt.If you look at your flywheel you should see a timing decal and there will be a spot with 3

    dots marked into the flywheel.With the cover removed from the distributor where the belt goes on you will see an arrow.You need to line-up the arrow on the distributor with the 3 dots on the flywheel and then install the belt.Once you have done this it should run again as long as you have changed nothing else.As I suggested earlier you should have a manual and this will guide you through the process.I hope this helps and good luck.

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