
Corruption - How To END? Will Movies Help or Will People realize or What Is the Solution For this?

by Guest45166  |  earlier

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Corruption - How To END? Will Movies Help or Will People realize or What Is the Solution For this?




  1. It's impossible to end corruption. It's human nature to use power to benefit yourself.

    We can limit corruption by punishing it severely, but eliminating it is a pipe dream.

  2. Impossible.....

  3. absolutely no way it can be stopped as long as people themselves want to stop accepting bribes.

  4. It is very simple and at the same time it is difficult also because, if we want to stop corruption we want start it from our self that means if we will not pay any extra money for sake of our convenience. For eg. when you break signal you will tend to give some bucks to policeman & try to solve matter. But if you follow procedure & pay fine corruption will end at that time. I think this applicable to each case. Corruption occurs when we use short cut to find solution for our problems. So if we stop ourself by getting corrupted the problem will be solve automatically.

  5. corruption can be ended  by  individually en capes it can be end by the message in all the language movies.And finally the corruption can be ended by appointing the new leaders to the country.As we are having the age in all the state and central employees the retirement the same way we have implement the retirements according to the law.

    Yes i do really belive only the we the people can end the corruption.

  6. Movies won't help and usually skew Historical characters....Politicians nor the people they govern will never learn this fact:  To Thine Own self be True....Shakespere..Say what you mean, stand by it and have a reasonable plan of action.  That calls for character, morality and a conscience..


  8. It will get worse before it gets perfect.  There is no manmade government which can end corruption.

    Only God can do that, and He will.

  9. The hero of the Tamil film,:INDIAN" only has so far succeeded

    in puttingan end to corruption!

    He only could do so!

  10. Corruption is the global issue ! no one can stop that.

  11. I think learning abt corruption should start at a very young age. Parents should set examples.... schools should promote Anti - Corruption.... Children should be taught abt it till they are out college.

    Bribing starts these days from homes. Every parent is incapable of getting a work done by his/ her kid without having to bribe the kid. Say with a chocolate or TV Show it starts. It never ends...... u tell the kid... "Do ur home work... mama/ papa will get u a new toy"... etc.

    Start now and it might END.

  12. It is impossible to end. Do your duty honestly.

  13. First there should be proper gradation as to who gets how much percentagewise.Then for

    each type of work to be got done rates should be fixed.Next in each office when a person's work is done he should be asked to pay the

    fixed rate into the treasury through a challan.

    The employees' shares should be merged in their pay scales.If the whole system is streamlined somewhat on the above lines

    corruption will never raise its head again.

    If after this,someone tries to extend his palm

    then the punishment should be severe like confiscation of all assets and a life sentence.

    Not only corruption but even the word and all

    synonyms thereof will be permanently eradicated like smallpox.

  14. When people stop paying bribes corruption will end. It needs will power of common man and not some divine intervention or some radical solution.

  15. Ways are many.But are we really sincere to root out or at least minimize corruption.

    We must abide by the laws ourselves.Should not expect out of turn favour for anything or from anybody. We must fight injustice or support those who fight for such cause.

  16. Movies will not help.

    Right from the school (age 4) teach, preach and modelise young children the importance of honesty.

    This can only be achieved with the help of dedicated and honest teachers...bit of chicken and egg situation !

  17. Corruption starts from up. If we chose politicians who are honest they will properly monitor bureaucrats and will not join them.

    For this the population has to be aware and take part in election process without fear or greed/

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