
Corset, easy way to put on?

by Guest56166  |  earlier

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Is there any easy way to put on your own corset?




  1. try buttoning it from the front and then turn it around and so that the buttons are facing the back while u are still wearing the corset

  2. lol, don't lace it at the front & turn it because you wont be able to turn it XD

    there are plenty of videos on youtube on how to put it on yourself & how to lace it correctly etc.

    The main points are just:

    -make sure the corset is loose enough to put on without damaging the clasps at the front

    -clasp & make sure the corset is centered (you can't turn it once tightened)

    -tighten the laces from top to centre and from bottom to centre, leaving room around the ribcage to breathe

    -tie in a bow (double bow if necessary) in the centre at the back, level with the waist

    ...-and it may help to use a mirror

    have fun :)

    useful links:

  3. Yes you can and it can be done pretty quick once you get used to it.

    You can put a corset on yourself, it just takes a bit of practice. Have a look at this;

    I use this except that I place the loose loops over a door k**b or similar, walk forward to take up the slack then tighten as done in the video. Every time the there is more slack in the loops I walk forward. This gives me both hands free at all times. When the desired tightness is achieved then just flip the loops off the door k**b and tighten.

    You also need to wear the corset in. Initially tighten the corset so that it is firm not tight. Wear for a couple of hours and then tighten a little more. Keep repeating this process over 2 or three days until the desired snugness is achieved. This allows the stitching in the corset to take the pressure evenly, protecting your purchase, and also allowing the corset and boning to mould to your body giving a great overall comfortable snug fit. Remember that the corset needs to be pleasurable snug with the pressure evenly taken over the body. It should feel like a tight embrace or firm hug, there should be no tight spots,

    If you need any other help please email me. Good luck.

  4. I guess you could have someone else help you put it on.  Meaning someone you're comfortable with putting on your corset.  I wore a prom dress that was kind of like a corset and flowed down.  I have to have someone help put the corset on.  Since it was a dress, it was different than a complete corset, so I pulled it on.  But I had to pull it up, than button up the inside, and zip it up, which I needed help to get the zipper all the way up to where my b***s where because it compressed my b***s so that it made my b***s looks bigger, but also kept them in so they wouldn't budge.  It was kind of like a corset and at the bottom, it flowed out since it was a dress.  

  5. Turn it to the front and you can lay down so that your muscles are relaxed and button all the rest while laying down.  

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