
Cory catfish?

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I'm looking for a cory cat that will fit in a 10 gallon with 2 mollies and 2 dwarf gouramis. As far as I can tell most are fine, but is there one type that you favor above others?




  1. Panda cories are a bit smaller than the other species of cories except for the pygmy varieties and they are very cute.  You should always keep cory catfish in a group of at LEAST 3 or more.  As previously pointed out they are very social fish and are much happier when kept in a group.  They really need the contact of others.  They don't need to be all the same variety though.  You could have one panda cory and 2 pygmy cories, for example.  Unlike people, they have no prejudices and are perfectly happy hanging together no matter what color they are.  :)

  2. peppered or an albino cory or one of each

  3. Any of the three species of Pygmy Cories (C. nanus, C. pygmaeus, or C. hastatus ) would work very well in a shoal of 4-5.  For "average" sized species (Bronze Cories, Peppered Cories, etc.), only 3-4 would be a good idea.

    EDIT: Keeping only one of each species is a VERY bad idea-- Cories are extremely social and when kept without a group, will become very stressed and tend to hide.

  4. I like the ones that are spotted.  I'm not sure of the exact breed but you will know them if you see a catfish with spots lol!  I love cory catfish, they are great in any aquarium!

  5. corys are a social fish and need to be kept in a group of three minimum
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