
Cosatu, ANC and Zuma: Are they bad for the South Africa?

by Guest65240  |  earlier

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Cosatu has called for a three day strike next week. One day against rising food prices. Two days to attend Zuma’s court hearings. Is this really what the country needs? Where do these Cosatu guys get their economic figures from, one day strike is bad for the economy, more than that is deadly.

I’m appalled by Zuma’s acceptance of what Cosatu is doing to this country. The guy is really stupid. Assuming that he becomes the President of the country next year, does he want to take the country whose economy would be limping?

But what irritates me most is the fact that Zuma challenged the NPA to take him to court so that he could prove his innocence, but he’s always trying to find every conceivable trick to dodge his real day in court. He ahs conveniently forgotten when he said “My conscience is clear … I have not committed any crime against the state or the people of South Africa. I need to be given the opportunity to tell my side of the story and bring finality to these accusations and speculations.”

On the other side the ANC’s support for Zuma was birthed in deception and lies. At the time of Mbeki’s dismissal of Zuma the then ANC Secretary General, Khalema Motlanthe said; “The ANC accepts and supports the decision of President Thabo Mbeki to release Deputy President Jacob Zuma from his duties in government following due consideration of the ruling in the Shaik trial.” It is therefore mind boggling how the ANC has had a sudden change of heart. Will they change their current stance somewhere down the line of their infighting!




  1. The truth is clear

  2. Yes cosatu is bad for the people

    they get paid and the people who strikes don't get paid

    Yes the anc is bad they promises the world to the people just for the vote and after most people don't even get the crumbs of that promis and the anc gets fatter every day

    Yes Zuma will be bad for this country and again it will be the poor who suffers the most the same people who want him on the seat

  3. The less we say about this the better. Zuma must just go to court to prove his innocence. Cosatu must stop abusing ill-informed people. The ANC is a political party, and political parties are never consistent.

  4. jz will be the president no matter wat you say,so cut your loses ppl and get used to it.

  5. Its very clear that he'll be the next president of this country next year.  Judging by the support his getting for his court hearing. Pietermaritzburg will stand still next week for his court hearing! what about the business people who needs to run their day to day business?  Now thy must lose 3 days of business? Just for Jacob Zuma.  He's really not suitable to run a country.  But for the guys who wants to have 7 wives then yep I guess he'll legalise that coz he's got lots of wives and girlfriends.  Does he even have respect for women? Guys like Tokyo Sexwale and Cyril Ramaphosa can run a country. Zuma has been involved in many unpleasant and criminal activities.  He's got a bad name already or maybe he's got connections and he knows that he'll never be sentenced. Whos gonna be the next president after him? Mantwa Shabalala Msimang.  Cosatu must also realize that the price hikes on food is happening all over the world.  Do they think that staying away from work and toyi- toyi will make things better? Watch was gonna happen to the rand next week Thursday it's gonna drop. Today it was R7.39 compared to the US dollar.  I'm moving to Dubai. There's no hope in this counrty, we've been hoping for 10 years now.  I give up.

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