
Coservation of natural resources.?

by Guest58746  |  earlier

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what is conservation of natural resources? why it is important to do so? what local people can do?




  1. Conservation of natural resources means to conserve our natural resources which are going on existing day-by-day.

    It is important to do so because as the natural resources are very limited on our earth we should use it but in less quantity and try to develop ecofriendly livings.

    Local poeple can save the natural resources by planting tress in their surroundings,saving rain water,avoiding exccesive use of pestides,fertilizers,petrol,diesel,miner... gas,natural gas,etc.

    we should even take part to make our earth a greenary earth without exccesive population and pollution.

    So I think even you will now conserve the natural resources and tell others to cnserve it.

  2. Conservation can be defined as "wise use". Any natural resouce should be managed to maintain a sustainable yield, if it is renewable, and used to extend the time over which it can be mined, if it is not. In the meantime, we need to be thinking about potential replacements for the non-renewable resources. I find it interesting that the same resource can be either renewable of non-renewable, depending on circumstances. In parts of the Middle East, water is non-renewable. Wells tap "fossil water", hundreds of years old. Once the aquifer runs dry because of the lower rainfall, water may become more expensive than petroleum there.

  3. To tell you the truth, Conservation of natural resources is an oxymoron, because anything that is natural is renewable.

  4. " There are hundreds of millions of acres of land that have been taken out of circulation by the government, for whatever reason they have, that is believed by the most knowledgeable oil geologists to contain probably more oil and natural gas than we have used so far since we drilled that first well 121 years ago.

    We have a coal supply that is equal to 50 percent of the world’s coal supply, good for centuries in this country.

    I grant you that prices may go up because as you go further and have to go deeper, you are adding to the cost of production. We have nuclear power which, I believe, with the most stringent of safety requirements, could meet our energy needs for the next couple of decades while we go forward exploring the areas of solar power and other forms of energy that might be renewable and that would not be exhaustible."

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