
Cosmetelogy School?

by Guest59190  |  earlier

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I start Cosmetology school right after thanksgiving. Looking Forward to it. I am a guy with little clue about it all Am I trainable. What part are gonne be fun besides doing hair. Any inside advice





    Where you live, the term "cosmetology" obviously means something very different to what it means up here!!!

  2. The school part will suck (dosn't most school?} but think about it dude....chicks really dig guys that are good at that stuff...just think about the girls!

  3. Why is this in HOMESCHOOLING?

  4. You'll do fine as long as you are looking forward to it. Don't expect it to be a fun place or a bad place, just live in the moment and make it a good  place every day.

  5. School is just that, go there in attempts to learn things. In this case cosmetology. But, there are many aspects of the study and some are related and others are more artistic. To be well rounded a basic understanding of the field will be covered and you will get a sampling of all branches, and this could be very tough indeed. But, hair-design, nail design and make-up artistry should be quite fun if you can stay focused and know the fundamentals involved. Good luck and see you at the salon :o)
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